33 Kellogg Insight Looking to cut through the noise and really reach customers? Done right, digital-media storytelling has incredible power to create conversations between brands and consum- ers. Sawhney explains why “transmedia storytelling” is the next frontier in branding. Read more on Kellogg Insight. experience could be personalized, rethought, or otherwise improved, and then rigorously testing which interven - tions work. “The decision becomes where along the customer journey to run the company’s analytics models. Think of it like: you first need to build a road, and then you need to decide whether to drive on the first mile of the road, or the last mile of the road, or some mile in between,” says S awh ne y. As a starting point, he suggests looking for leaks in your customer funnel, as these are the places where you are clearly letting your customers down, and a new approach would benefit both of you. “Look for areas where you are failing, areas where you’ve got problems. And that becomes the point of attack for pre - dictive models or analytics applications.” Say you’re an app developer. Your mar - keting campaign generated 100,000 leads—and most of those have signed up for a free version of your product. But very few are shelling out for the paid Based on insights from Mohan Sawhney
The Marketing Leader's Guide to Analytics and AI Page 32 Page 34