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110 Kellogg Insight talked about, which features of the phone were being talked about, whether they were being talked about as positive or negative attributes. Then the program would group like statements together to give an idea about the magnitude of each problem—and it did this continuously.” This new software allowed the phone manufacturer to start responding to issues immediately upon launch instead of after the typical six-week lag. It also provided a wealth of consumer insights that could be translated into future research and development. Similar machine-learning efforts are well underway for images and video as well. There is a company, for instance, that monitors social-media feeds, tele - vised sporting events, and shopping sites to identify when a logo appears in an image, video, or GIF. Another company analyzes and tracks the features of cloth - ing popular with customers to determine which are trending. They then turn these insights into new styles, debuting over 1,000 new styles per week. “You can now expand your focus beyond Based on insights from Adam Pah Hear more from Adam Pah on this topic in this episode of The Insightful Leader podcast .

The Marketing Leader's Guide to Analytics and AI - Page 110 The Marketing Leader's Guide to Analytics and AI Page 109 Page 111