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89 Kellogg Insight advertising space. Take Amazon. There’s long been this duopoly of Google and Facebook, with 37 percent and 22 per - cent of the market, respectively. Amazon is still a long way away in terms of mar - ket share—at about 8 percent—but they have a lot of momentum. Being a retailer, they are the last touchpoint. And so as an advertiser, there is great value in adver - tising on their platform, because you are so close to the buying stage that the tar - geting capabilities become quite compel - ling. Or imagine if Netflix all of a sudden got into the ad business. They have fan - tastic customer data, and they’re tech - nologically very capable as a company. I think a lot of advertisers would love to be able to advertise on Netflix. Second is GDPR. So far, the broader impli - cations of this regulation have not really been felt, because implementation has been so slow and varied across websites. Many websites don’t follow the letter of the law or the intent of the law. I think the near-term effects—which haven’t been much—are not indicative of what the long-run effects are going to be. Third, I think another unknown in terms Based on insights from Brett Gordon Learn more about digital advertising effectiveness from this episode of our podcast, The Insightful Leader .

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