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84 Kellogg Insight This shift has, of course, impacted the industries and channels that have long relied on advertisers’ dollars. But it has also drastically reshaped marketing itself, giving marketers an unparalleled amount of data upon which to make decisions—as well as a new mandate to deliver quantifi - able results. The days when a firm might simply entrust an agency with a fixed adver - tising budget and hope for the best are long gone, says Brett Gordon, an associate professor of marketing. “With the digital revolution, better measurement has become more feasible, and that has created more of an onus on the advertising ecosystem to demonstrate value.” So how can companies make sure they are getting the most from their digital spending? We spoke with Gordon about the importance of run - ning randomized experiments, the analytics tools that are available to help advertisers today, and the trends that are most likely to change dig - ital advertising in the future. This interview was edited for length and clarity. KELLOGG INSIGHT: As digital advertising is maturing, advertisers are increasingly demanding to know whether they are getting a return on their investment. What questions should CMOs be asking themselves to ensure they are making smart decisions? BRETT GORDON: I think the number one thing they should always be ask - ing is: Are they getting what they want for their money? Is it worth it? And how do they know it is worth it? This is where the importance of correct measurement comes in. As an advertiser, you are the one who cares the most about whether the Based on insights from Brett Gordon

The Marketing Leader's Guide to Analytics and AI - Page 84 The Marketing Leader's Guide to Analytics and AI Page 83 Page 85